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dc.contributor.authorNjenga, Maureen W.
dc.contributor.authorMugwe, Jayne N.
dc.contributor.authorMogaka, Hezron R.
dc.contributor.authorNyabuga, George
dc.contributor.authorOduor, Nathan
dc.contributor.authorKiboi, Milka
dc.contributor.authorNgetich, Felix
dc.contributor.authorMucheru-Muna, Monicah
dc.contributor.authorSijali, Isaya
dc.contributor.authorMugendi, Daniel
dc.identifier.citationVol. 25 (4) October, 2021en_US
dc.identifier.uriDOI: 10.4314/jae.v25i4.14
dc.description.abstractThis study ascertained the socioeconomic determinants of farmers’ knowledge on soil and water conservation technologies in Dry zones of Central Highlands of Kenya involving 400 farming households. Results showed that the majority of the farmers had inadequate knowledge on the use and benefits of soil and water conservation technologies. The socio-economic factors that influence knowledge levels of the knowledge-intensive technologies were education level, gender, perceptions on soil fertility, farmer group membership, access to training, farm size, access to credit, number of livestock kept and access to farm equipment. This implies that there is the need to come up with an all-inclusive policy that can be employed in improving farmer’s level of knowledge through the use of more innovative methods of information dissemination. This can be done by strengthening the existing farmer groups, enhancing extension services, and also formulating gender-friendly policies.en_US
dc.publisherJournal of Agricultural Extensionen_US
dc.subjectSocio-economic factorsen_US
dc.subjectfarmer’s knowledge levelen_US
dc.subjectcombined organic and inorganic fertilizeren_US
dc.subjectmulch and zai piten_US
dc.titleDeterminants of Farmers’ Knowledge on Soil and Water Conservation Technologies in Dry Zones of Central Highlands, Kenyaen_US

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