Factors Undermining Water Pollution in Embu Town
Water pollution is an environmental problem that is of major concern to the entire world at large. Degradation of surface and groundwater sources has been an inherent consequence of economic development and remedial action to compensate for or to reduce, pollution impacts have always been a lesser priority. Pollution threatens the health and wellbeing of humans, plants, and animal that depends on water. Water is a basic necessity to human survival. With the current industrialization and rapid urbanization water quality degradation has been a challenge to the entire world especially in developing countries. The overall objective of this study was on the challenges facing the implementation of water pollution control measures. The study was undertaken to investigate water pollution causes, intervention measures to control pollution and barriers to intervention measure in Embu town. Chapter one helps to discuss the problem of water pollution as it is in the local, region and the world. It gives the problem statement, justification and significance of the study. Research questions, objectives and hypothesis are also raised. The objectives are clearly identified to help and guide this study. In chapter two, literature from different scholars is used to further define the problem of the study. This helps to know the contribution made by scholars and researchers in the issue of water pollution in the world and other regions. The third chapter helps use to get familiar with the study area and research design that was used in the study. The nature and sources of data and the data collection instruments are discussed in this chapter. This chapter further explains how data analysis based on the information obtained from questionnaires, interviews schedules and observation was analyzed and finally the limitation of the study. The data collected were analyzed and the results and discussion are displayed in chapter four. The last chapter sums up the study by giving the summary of the research findings conclusion and recommendations