Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Embu County
The objective of the study was to determine the effects of corporate social responsibility on the
financial performance of commercial banks in Embu County.CSR activities are mainly carried
out by the corporation with the aim of helping the society and pursuing of profits for growth. The
corporations also gain an advantage from carrying out CSR activities though gaining of
favorable public image. The banks also get advantages through customer retention .The study
sought to determine the effects of CSR on financial performance on education health and
environmental activities. The research aimed at finding out the effects of CSR activities in
financial performance of commercial banks in Embu County since no other research on this has
been done in Embu County. The stud) reviewed on the theories that explain the CSR activities
such as Shareholders theory. Theory of social cost and the Agency theory. Data was obtained
from commercial banks through questionnaires. There were 40 questionnaires that were provided
to the 8 commercial banks where information was collected and out of 40 only 3
questionnaires were 'returned while other 9 que tionnaires were not returned by the respondents. Using
descriptive research design the study tested the effects of corporate social responsibility on
financial performance of commercial banks in Embu County. Data was analyzed using the
statistical package for social sciences ( P version 22) and the result was presented using
tables, graphs and figures. Financial performan e is the dependent variable while corporate
social responsibility is the independent variables. The analysis showed that environmental
activities were the most CSR activities carried out b) the commercial banks which had highest
percentage of 67.7% of people
strongly agreed. The analysis showed that education
activities were the second best
iti practiced in commercial banks with percentage of
35.5% and later the health
activities with percentage of12.6% in commercial banks. The analysis
indicated that most important advantage of carrying out the social responsibility activities was to
enhance corporate image within the society. The stud) recommended that CBK should carry out
audit on activities of commercial banks and to include their performance analysis in their
database. The study showed that further studies should be made on effects of CSR activities in
financial performance of MFIs
- Department of Business [102]